Online ABA Workshop

Due to the current circumstances in Hong Kong, ICan-B Asia & Autism Hong Kong will be offering our ABA workshops ONLINE! All the online courses will be taught by Dr. Li Wei Wong., BCBA-D in Cantonese and the topics are:

1) Utilizing self-management as a strategy to improve various social behaviors 2) Using different ABA based approaches to facilitate skills acquisition- part 1 3) Using different ABA based approaches to facilitate skills acquisition- part 2


基於香港現時的疫情,ICan-B Asia 和香港自閉症聯盟將會透過互聯網舉辦以往的ABA課程。所有課程依然會由王立緯博士親自授教。今期ABA課程主题包括:

1) 運用自我管理策略以改善社會行為 2) 透過不同 ABA 策略有效地增加學習技巧-上 3) 透過不同 ABA 策略有效地增加學習技巧-下


Together, We Fight the Virus! 我們一同齊心抗疫!